
court Marshal

Hoopfest will notify you where you have been scheduled to volunteer at least 7 days prior to the event.

Thank you for helping to bring Spokane a premier family and community enriching event! 
For more information call (509) 624-2414 or send us an email.

As a volunteer for Spokane Hoopfest Association (“Hoopfest”), I acknowledge that I am accountable and responsible for my own conduct and actions. I understand that my behavior in carrying out my volunteer services on behalf of Hoopfest may reflect positively or negatively on Hoopfest. In the event Hoopfest determines that my conduct or actions reflect negatively, I accept an immediate dismissal of my duties as a Hoopfest volunteer. I further acknowledge that my volunteer experience may involve risks outside the control of Hoopfest, including without limitation, the acts or omissions of event attendees and participantscommunicable illnesses, the effects of weather, and the conditions of the street and facilities where I am volunteeringassume and accept such risks.