Choose from one of our Premium Preferred hotel partners so you can enjoy your stay at the Best Basketball Weekend on Earth!
Before you and your squad hoop it up on the streets of Spokane, you have to check-in! Team Check-In will be located at The Grand Hotel.
Player add/change from March 4 – June 2 = $15
Player add/change from June 17 – June 29 = $25
Player changes from March 7 – June 2, may alter the team’s current profile, regardless of gender/age/grade (if applicable), height and playing experience.
However, any player change/addition made from June 2 through June 29 (8:00 a.m.) must match the team’s current profile gender/age/grade (if applicable), height and playing experience.
You may make your player changes in the Hoopfest office or online through June 21.
After June 21, player changes will be accepted only at the Pavilion located in Riverfront Park. The dates and times are as listed: